সোমবার, ১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২


Dancing With The Planets

The Astrology Column

A Guide to The View on The Big Spin



MOON/24? Aries opposite MERCURY/24? Libra 4:36 am, 7:36 am

Our Libra friends may stress that having Awareness is ALL. Awareness of others, awareness of what you really sound like. Mercury/Venus will be pretty much sextile (60? positive angle) all throughout October!?

MOON/27? Aries trine VENUS/27? Leo 1:06 pm, 4:06 pm

Young people can be impressed by attractive leaders or image-makers or television actors or popular people.?

MOON/29? Aries opposite SATURN/29? Libra 3:32 pm, 6:32 pm

MOON/29? Aries Void-of-Course 3:32 pm, 6:32 pm

Kids could come home tonight exhausted or discouraged. People complain or criticize. Consider the Source! Just don?t let it be YOU! Kids will whine about homework or chores, who haven?t learned to accept doing what we must do gladly. Or about not getting what they want. Saturn will soon leave Libra, where we?ve been painfully confronting ourselves in others, being shown in others what we haven?t acknowledged in ourselves.? ?


Venus Rules. And, Venus is in Leo the first half of the Moon in Taurus and then in Virgo the second half. We could feel more competitive with others, then realize we actually compete only with ourselves. People feel more grounded at this hour. They appreciate what they have, from the roof over their heads to what life has given them, the talents and opportunities they have been given from their parentage, how they?ve made the most out of them, what they?ve learned and earned for themselves. What we possess makes us feel secure in ourselves.? ?

MOON/O?48? Taurus sextile R NEPTUNE/O?48? Pisces 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm

Most likely, people will want to seek their Comfort Zone tonight.? ?

This week, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn change signs.?


MOON/7? Taurus trine PLUTO/7? Capricorn 6:22 am, 9:22 am

Ch-ch-ch-changes! People are ready to make some changes this morning. We adapt to changing circumstances. I expect that most of us will keep plugging today just to see how much we can accomplish.?

VENUS/29? Leo sextile SATURN/29? Libra 5:07 pm, 8:07 pm

Modesty Furthers--as Venus exits the Stage in Leo and heads for the green room to review the performance, the notices and the critiques. We lose our public/onstage persona, as might prefer being in the background for awhile, packing up ?our costumes and props.? ?


Health Matters to our Virgo friends and the result is in how they look and feel, recognizing the mind lives in the body! Venus will make them doubly attractive as capable, organized and together people. But do they attract people who aren?t looking for and finding those things in themselves? Our Virgo friends know exactly where their tools are, but when it comes to finding a mate, they are quick to see those very human imperfections! Venus/Virgo might use terms like: ?presentable? or ?disreputable.? Venus in Virgo, which will be with us through October 28. Use this time to think about reorganizing your wardrobe, closets, dressers, vitamins, medicine chest/first aid kit, cosmetics, your office or workspace, your pets? things. Virgo is about the skills we gain and the habits we acquire through practice, the ability to to get things done--quickly and efficiently. Venus will enter Libra three weeks from now right before The Full Moon, the weekend before Halloween!?


The Moon continues in Taurus making no aspects to the other planets

This morning, Go With The Flow. Have NO Major Expectations. The Taurus Moon makes for getting things quietly done and done well. Avoid daydreaming.? ?

VENUS/O? Virgo opposite R NEPTUNE/O? Pisces 3:28 pm, 6:28 pm

Celebrity Encounters? Encounters with an Archetypal Attraction who really Sends You? Even Health-Conscious Virgo may be swayed by glamour and could indulge in alcohol and drugs. Music too, takes the highly analytical, intellectual Virgo out of her mental space to open the door to emotional expression leading to romance. Not to mention his/her Creative Muse. ?

?? ? Just a reminder for all you undecided voters out there: The First Presidential Debate of 2012 will take place this evening under the Taurus Moon focusing on the domestic economy and the national status quo. I guess the question is: How uncomfortable is saving the economy going to make me?


MOON/28? Taurus opposite MARS/28? Scorpio 12:44 am, 3:44 am

MOON/28? Taurus Void-of-Course 12:44 am, 3:44 am

Sex. The Rapid Approach and The Quick Getaway? Or Is this the Start of Something New, such as embarking on long-term relationship and family building? You decide. Political Pundits will no doubt be writing passionately!?


Mercury Rules. And Mercury changes signs halfway through the Gemini Moon! Today it?s in the last degrees of Libra, more witty, charming and inclusive; Tomorrow, more incisive, secretive and exclusive? Mercury Rules--our speech, minds, memories, writing, ability to reason and movements. We feel more Awake and Aware at this hour! People turn on the news, answer those ringing phone and check their emails.?

MOON/O? Gemini square R NEPTUNE/O? Pisces 6:17 am, 9:17 am

Be careful what you buy or buy into--such as a salesperson?s flattery. With the Gemini Moon squaring-off with the Venus/Neptune opposition. We could be nursing Great Expectations or imagining the grand impression we could make on someone if we bought that outfit. Watch out for any desire to be ?saved? by someone or something. ?

SD JUPITER/16?23? Gemini turns Stationary Retrograde 6:18 am, 9:18 am

Jupiter has been in its detriment in Gemini...and you may encounter someone who has diarrhea of the mouth during this period! Or someone who goes overboard with the Hard Sell or even Self-Promotion! Others who find popularity and fame, find themselves as the target of gossip and speculation. Natives with this placement know the importance of investing in higher education and travel and like to be thought of as well-informed.

MOON/1? Gemini square VENUS/1? Virgo 7:56 am, 10:56 am

Gemini might take issue with what Virgo considers Normal, Healthy, Proper, Acceptable or Correct and might say something like: Who Says??

MOON/6? Gemini sextile R URANUS/6? Aries 5:39 pm, 8:39 pm

Kids could surprise us with their latest enthusiasm! Or latest Must-Have! No one wants to sit still tonight! Is it a board game night at your house??


MERCURY/29? Libra conjunct SATURN/29? Libra 2:44 am, 5:44 am

Do I hear slamming doors?? Mercury Rules our Gemini Moon and is conjunct Saturn. The chatty nature and forward momentum of Gemini stops or changes. Poor losers? Hurtful criticism? Repetitive complaints? Nagging? Communication cuts out? Does sleep silence our speech? Or does shock? There?s difficulty speaking. Please DON?T be Asleep At The Wheel tonight! Does an awareness of consequences and moral responsibilities stop us?? Both Mercury and Saturn move from Libra into Scorpio almost simultaneously today--does the importance of having a wide variety of friends or interests change? Are we concentrating--with almost shamanic personal intent on just one person, goal or thing? ?


Mercury/Scorpio has a penetrating mind, a good memory and a sharpest tongue in the zodiac!? They speak incisively, especially in encountering liars and frauds, if sometimes sarcastically, and can explain difficult things unambiguously. They are dogged in their pursuit of truth, unraveling puzzles, the solution of mysteries. Skeptical, they can mistrust easy answers, even appearances and are immune to flattery. I?m sure little kids will be talking about nothing but Halloween--and ghosts, werewolves, vampires and the like.

MOON/12? Gemini trine SUN/12? Libra 6:41 am, 9:41 am

Nice Morning. People take care to be attractive, courteous and well-spoken this morning. People get busy and stay busy.?


Seriousness and Secrecy blend when Saturn enters Scorpio?s watery realm. Poker players, spies, detectives, scientific researchers and accounting investigators could have this placement, a very cool exterior that belies a ruthless drive inside to get to the root cause, error, flaw, nemesis or culprit. Like all planets in Scorpio, Saturn here is not moved by flattery, and is extremely perceptive, if not intuitive, about human nature, motivations and willpower or lack of it, nor is Saturn/Scorpio inclined to expose his own feelings or strategy and can be downright devious in attaining what he wants.? ?

? ? There?s Mutual Reception and a kind of resonance between Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn and Saturn in Pluto-Ruled Scorpio. I have a feeling that mineral wealth, mining, oil exploration, fracking affecting the water table, waste disposal and containment? (especially chemical, toxic and radioactive materials) and pollution will be big concerns in the next two and a half years.?

MOON/16?23? Gemini conjunct SR JUPITER/16?23? Gemini 2:08 pm, 5:08 pm

MOON/16?23? Gemini Void-of-Course 2:08 pm, 5:08 pm

Foot-in-Mouth Warning! Avoid Bragging, Extravagance, Gambling on Sports, or foolish generosity or impulsive spending! Overdoing the Talking without really listening to what other have to say? Shamelessly gossip, revealing secrets or confidences to impress others? Hope you don?t spend the next 24+ hours worrying about having said too much to those who can and will-- spread it around.?

MERCURY/O? Scorpio trine R NEPTUNE/O? Pisces 3:07 pm, 6:07 pm

Talking and Drinking? Drinking and Talking? Some could head for the beach or get in some water therapy in a hot tub. Do we communicate better with music and dance or paint than words? Do we talk up new movies or do we take up making our own videos? People want to work their imagination and creative ideas, especially for Halloween costumes! Who?s Mysterious? Pisces/Scorpio combinations make for being a natural detective or being a sneaky paparazzi or prankster!?


The Gemini Moon is still Void-of-Course?

This Mush-Mind Advisory will continue all day until past quitting time. Many will feel an information overload and will likely want to get away from it all and do nothing. ?


The Moon Rules. It may be a great relief just to be Completely At Home tonight! We take our cues from Women, especially Mom. Many could have fresh energy for entertaining at home. For the next two days, our concerns revolve around home and family, especially the very youngest and oldest. Activities for children on the Monday holiday? Caregiving for elderly parents? We might be concerned for the condition of our homes and gardens or activities our immediate environment as we head into fall. ?

MOON/O? Cancer trine SATURN/O? Scorpio 6:02 pm, 9:02 pm

Women could voice their concerns while working.? This Grand Trine in Water Signs (Moon/Saturn/Neptune) makes me think of a group of people coming together to practice, work together creatively or make music in the kitchen.?

MOON/O? Cancer trine R NEPTUNE/O? Pisces 7:09 pm, 10:09 pm

Women are into The Music and are up for Dancing! New Videos for the kids? New Movies for the fall season??


Are we watching Baseball? College Football? Pro Sports? If we?re not, we will soon will be! Mars energizes our interest not only in sports, but international news, overseas travel and unifying philosophies. It will also energize coaches, teachers and professors, publishers and broadcasters. Our Sagittarius friends are not only invested in their beliefs and political convictions, their theories and opinions, but some will be out to make converts to their way of thinking.? ?

MOON/2? Cancer trine MERCURY/2? Scorpio 11:09 pm, 2:09 am?

Cancer definitely has a sensuous side and Scorpio is into pushing the envelope. ?


MOON/3? Cancer sextile VENUS/3? Virgo 3:29 am, 6:29 am

Those up late or those up early--could get busy on health or organization issues.?

MOON/6? Cancer square R URANUS/6? Aries 6:15 am, 9:15 am

This morning, kids could wake us up early! Some kind of an early morning scare? Even kids can be First Responders! Uranus/Pluto will be rapidly separating from now on from their exact square of 9/18 and the Full Moon/Sun interacting with them a week ago Saturday.?

MOON/7? Cancer opposite PLUTO/7? Capricorn 7:55 am, 10:55 am

Those working Sunday morning best be ready to work or expect to get fired. Home vs Career issues? Joblessness impacting the status quo on the homefront??

MARS/O? Sagittarius square R NEPTUNE/O? Pisces 7:12 pm, 10:12 pm

In the background, Mars/Neptune could make for costly fumbles, thigh or foot injuries, miscommunications on the playing field, and DUIs, Drunk Driving Accidents, alcoholic insults, misunderstandings, bar fights and arguments over beliefs and belief systems. Don?t let Anyone drown! Stay in Awareness for anyone voicing despair and hopelessness or talking about acting on it. Double check all medications, so there are NO mix-ups!


Columbus Day?


MOON/15?26? Cancer square SUN/15?26? Libra 12:33 am PDST, 3:33 am EDST

MOON/15?26? Cancer Void-of-Course 12:33 am PDST, 3:33 am EDST

In the post midnight hours, there could be arguments between those at home or in the immediate environment and spouses or friends, those related by blood or those related by marriage, or with those who are competitors or adversaries. The Cancer Moon makes no aspects to other planets till it enters Leo Tuesday morning.?

SUN/16? Libra trine SR JUPITER/16? Gemini 10:52 pm, 1:52 am

More Later! And I?ll see YOU Dancing with the Planets! Moving with the Energy Flow on The Big Spin!? --Michelle Sura.? Check out: ? http://dwtp.livejournal.com

Source: http://dwtp.livejournal.com/98958.html

dalai lama tamera mowry slow jam the news madden cover obama slow jams the news metta world peace ron artest

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